The Rotary Club of Farmville was awarded a three-year Train the Trainer Rotary Global Grant in August of 2022. We are very excited about all that has happened to this midway point in the grant cycle. The focus of the grant is to bring the first certification course (S.T.A.B.L.E.) for medical professionals who care for medically challenged neonates, be they term or pre-term infants. This course teaches the fundamentals of stabilizing a newborn and keeping that infant stable throughout its stay in a NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). It will provide a basis from which a standard of care is developed across all Neonatal Intensive Care Units, as well as improve infant outcomes.
To date, 90 physicians, nurses and transport personnel have completed the STABLE Certification course. 15 nurses and physicians have been trained as S.T.A.B.L.E. instructors. One of these instructors has accepted the role of Honduran S.T.A.B.L.E. Coordinator and will manage the scheduling and logistics of future course offerings. Eight course offerings have been planned for the remaining months in 2024.
There has also been equipment purchased with grant funds that will support the courses being held. Audiovisual equipment, including screens, projectors, computers and speakers, have been purchased and given to each of the larger Hospitals in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Three simulation mannequins and two simulation heads (used to practice intubation) have been given to enhance the practical experiences in each class.
Medical professionals who have completed the S.T.A.B.L.E. certification course have shared that it has greatly influenced how they care for their patients. Many of the practice theories and procedures presented in the course have been adopted by several of the NICUs. Data is currently being gathered to prove how the adoption of this standard of care is improving the overall outcomes for the patients. The nurses now understand the “why” behind the care they are asked to give. They fully understand that this educational opportunity will change the history of neonatal care in Honduras.

STABLE Instructors Course

Simulation dolls being presented with Merendon Rotary Club of San Pedro Sula

New STABLE Instructors 2024